Is Yoga Teacher Training Worth the Stretch?



Have you been there?

Lying hot and sweaty in savasana with a cool lavender cloth draped across your forehead…  COMPLETELY blissed out... overcome with gratitude and love. 

As you walk toward the cubby holding your things, you notice that your steps are lighter. You are calm and present. 

You’re not even bothered by the line of people you have to wait behind.

At some point, a seed begins to sprout in your consciousness. You decide you want to be in this state of bliss more regularly. Maybe you even consider how you could help others feel this bliss too.

Later, you see an ad about an upcoming yoga teacher training.

You wonder, “Is this a sign from the universe? Is this part of my life path?

But, the mind likes to analyze and assess risk. Doubt creeps in and you wonder if you're good enough for yoga teacher training

Maybe you decide that you don’t want to teach yoga, but you would like to deepen your own practice. You wonder if yoga teacher training would be a good fit for someone like you who just wants to get better at yoga.

If any of this resonates with you, and you’d like to learn more about yoga teacher training -  You’re in the right place! 

I’ll cover all the details about what to expect in a YTT (yoga teacher training) program. My hope is that this article will equip you with the knowledge to help you make a confident decision on whether yoga teacher training is the right path for you



There are many reasons to participate in a yoga teacher training program. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • You want to be more present in life, and you know that regular yoga practice helps with that.

  • You want to learn more about the roots of yoga - its history, philosophies, benefits, etc.

  • You want to become a certified teacher so you can share yoga’s life-changing power with others.

No matter what your motivations are, taking a yoga teacher training course can help you learn more about yourself. Yoga helps you identify and heal emotional wounds. It encourages you to quiet your mind and awaken to your true nature. 



Yes! You don’t need to be able to do a handstand or the splits to be qualified to take a yoga teacher training.

You don’t even need to be outgoing or comfortable speaking in front of a group of people. Many people go through yoga teacher training with no intention of actually teaching yoga. Those people simply want to deepen their own yoga practice.

Other people do want to teach, but need some help in gaining the confidence and experience to be at the front of the class. Yoga teacher training gives students ample practice leading classes for their fellow teacher-trainees. These are safe spaces designed to help you develop your skills in a judgement-free zone.

The only prerequisite for yoga teacher training is a curiosity to learn more about yoga and yourself!



Most yoga teacher training programs aim to help their students achieve certification with the internationally recognized Yoga Alliance organization. 

If you choose to attend a program that Yoga Alliance has certified, it will be considered a Registered Yoga School (RYS). Once you meet all the requirements of the yoga teacher training program, you will qualify to register as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance.

If you do want to teach yoga at a studio, it’s pretty important to become an RYT. Most yoga studios require their teachers to have this certification.

The first level of RYT certification offered by Yoga Alliance is the RYT-200. Beyond that, there are RYT-300 and RYT-500 designations.

The RYT-200 certification is the quickest path to becoming a certified yoga teacher since it requires the minimum amount of education and training hours (200 hours total). 

Below is Yoga Alliance’s required curriculum for a 200 hour yoga teacher training program:

  • 75 hours of techniques, training, and practice (includes physical postures, breathwork, and meditation)

  • 30 hours anatomy and physiology (including biomechanics)

  • 30 hours yoga humanities, like the history, philosophies, and ethics of yoga

  • 50 hours professional essentials, like teaching methodology, actual practice teaching, and professional development



There are so many aspects to explore before making the commitment to yoga teacher training. Is it worth your time, money, and energy?

You may be wondering:

How much does yoga teacher training cost?

How long does it take to become a yoga teacher? 

Will yoga teacher training consume all my free time?

Let’s break each of these down.


As mentioned, the first level of Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher training is around 200 hours of training and education. 

Each yoga school has a different format for offering this training. Some schools offer the training over as little as an 8 week period. Other schools spread the training across 6 months or more. Some schools limit the training to weekends. Other schools require some training time during the typical workweek, too.

Check into the schools that pique your interest and determine if their scheduling matches your availability.

Also, consider how you would spend those 200 hours of your time if you weren’t in yoga teacher training. Will you have to miss out on something important to you? Or can you shave off 200 hours of social media engagement or TV watching? If you’re like me, you probably spend more time on these than you’d like to admit.

The point here is to evaluate the importance of yoga and education in your life, and to be sure that you are comfortable with committing the amount of time that will be required to complete the training.



Currently, most in-person yoga teacher training programs cost around $2,500 or more. You may be able to find a program that costs less if it’s 100% online. 

There are also cheaper programs out there that aren’t certified by Yoga Alliance. Of course those programs may not have the rigor and robust education if they aren’t adhering to standards set by a governing organization such as Yoga Alliance.

Consider how you will fund yoga teacher training. Do you have the money readily available, or will you have to save to fund this venture? Can you cut back on spending in other areas? Does the yoga school you’re considering offer a payment plan option? Many do.

Ask yourself if you’re comfortable with the financial investment. And be sure that you’re ok with any sacrifices you will need to make on other expenditures.



Yoga teacher training will require a significant amount of energy. You’ll find yourself exerting mental, physical, and emotional energy. 

You’ll spend mental energy learning new information and skills

You’ll learn a lot about the history and philosophy of yoga. This will help you get more meaning from your practice. It will also help you understand what’s happening physically and energetically when you practice yoga.

You’ll also learn about anatomy and teaching methods. This information will help you stay safe in your yoga practice in order to minimize injury. It will also help you develop your own yoga sequences that flow naturally from one pose to the next.

Of course, all this will help you be a better yoga teacher if you decide to take that route. 

You’ll spend physical energy practicing yoga daily.

The vast majority of yoga teacher training programs will require you to practice yoga everyday.

On days when class meets in person, expect to practice yoga a couple times. On days when you’re not meeting in person, you’ll be expected to practice on your own, with friends, or take a yoga class somewhere.

You’ll probably come out of yoga teacher training more in-tune with your body than you’ve ever been. You’ll improve your body awareness, whether you’re practicing yoga or just going about your normal day.

But all this practice can be tiring. It’s very important to honor your body’s needs and embrace the yin side of yoga when your body’s tired and needs more rest. 

This can be one of the transformative aspects of YTT… learning to acknowledge and honor when you need rest… physically or otherwise.

You’ll spend emotional energy  overcoming limiting beliefs and past experiences.

The physical practice of yoga has a way of surfacing the emotional trauma you’ve buried deep inside you. It stares you right in the face, beckoning for release.

Sometimes this awareness comes on suddenly during practice… like when you’re in a pose that you hate. Other times it happens off the mat.

As humans, we often tuck away painful memories in our chakras or aura. We do this because the emotions triggered during the original experiences can be difficult to process. Yoga can activate your chakras and rattle loose stuck emotional energy.

When you suddenly remember some past traumatic experience, it’s a sign that you may not have released the low-vibrational emotional energy from that experience. This is especially true if you feel any sadness, fear, anger, frustration, or shame with the memory.

Similarly, our beliefs (and repetitive thought patterns) can trigger sadness, fear, anger, frustration, or shame. Yoga helps you become aware of beliefs you hold which trigger these low-vibrational emotions. With that awareness, you can decide whether or not you want to hold onto that belief, or let it go. 

Whether you’re examining past experiences or limiting beliefs, moving stuck energy can be tiring. But the work is so empowering! Bringing unconscious energy into the light will enable you to uncover your true self and reach your fullest potential. 



There is no single answer to this question. The best yoga teacher training program for you is the one that fits your vibe, budget, and schedule.

I recommend testing the waters before you commit to a program. Take yoga classes by the teachers who lead the YTT programs that you’re considering.

If you’re in Huntersville, NC or the Lake Norman or Charlotte areas, check out Genevieve Boulanger and the incredible teachers at iShine Yoga & Wellness. Genevieve and her team offer a robust 200-hour yoga teacher training program with double doses of warmth and humor.

In 2022, iShine will be partnering with Rolf Gates, world-renowned yoga teacher and best-selling author, to offer a 300-hour yoga teacher training.

Click here to request more information about iShine’s yoga teacher training programs.

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